УДК 65.01

  • D. Yu. Zakhmatov Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia) Email: z_dmitry@bk.ru
  • Y. V. Kozyr Central Economic and Mathematics Institute RAS (Moscow, Russia) Email: y_k65@mail.ru
Keywords: ESG factors, sustainable business development, business valuation, options theory in valuation, development of valuation methodology


The interest in promoting business sustainability through the adoption of ESG practices has gained widespread support from various stakeholders, including government agencies, investors, consultants, and researchers. This movement towards achieving environmental, social, and economic sustainability not only aligns with global objectives but also offers potential benefits for businesses by generating additional profits for shareholders. However, concerns have been raised about the efficacy of investing in ESG practices and associated risks. The skepticism towards ESG investments is mainly due to their low payback rates and unprofitability as measured by the traditional financial model of discounted cash flows (DCF). It is essential to consider the limitations of the DCF model, including its short forecasting period, non-linearity of pricing, non-zero value of shares, and susceptibility to volatility, which may not fully account for the unique features of ESG investments and enterprise shares. In this article, we investigate the hypothesis of using option theory to evaluate ESG-focused businesses, including the conditions for its application and a review of the relevant mathematical models. We propose further research into practical tools that can aid in understanding and analyzing the predictive effectiveness of option theory.


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Author Biographies

D. Yu. Zakhmatov, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia)

кандидат экономических наук, доцент

Y. V. Kozyr, Central Economic and Mathematics Institute RAS (Moscow, Russia)

доктор экономических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник


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How to Cite
1. Zakhmatov D. Y., Kozyr Y. V. EXPLORING THE APPLICABILITY OF OPTION THEORY IN VALUING ESG-FOCUSED BUSINESSES // Economics Profession Business, 2023. № 1. P. 30-41. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/ec/article/view/epb202304.