УДК 332.145:338.486
The article reveals the role of tourism development in an industrial region, shows that the raw material orientation of the regional economy makes it vulnerable to fluctuations in market conditions, resulting in a reduction in budget revenues, a shortage of investment resources for projects aimed at developing high-tech industries, improving working and living conditions of the population, reducing the attractiveness of the territory and the outflow of residents to other regions of the country. Based on the use of a comparative approach, the competitive advantages of the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass in key types of tourism are identified, the expediency of developing a relatively new type of tourism for the region, characterized by a significant number of industrial facilities, is justified. The analysis of statistical indicators and causal relationships has demonstrated the unstable dynamics of certain characteristics of the tourism industry in Kuzbass, which is mainly due to the influence of external factors. Attention is focused on the fact that the further development of tourism, with the consolidation of the efforts of the state and the business community, will contribute to the implementation of the principles of the ESG agenda in the region.
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