
  • Acta Biologica Sibirica

    ISSN 2412-1908 (Online)

    We should like to inform our readers and authors that since January 1st, 2022 we are moving from Pensoft Publishers back to Altai State University portal. We extend our deep and sincere gratitude to the Pensoft team and L. Penev personally for productive and valuable cooperation. 

    Please refer to for journal articles within 2020-2021.

    Acta Biologica Sibirica publishes original, previously unpublished articles on the following fields: Faunistics, Floristics, Biogeography, Biological systematics, Nature conservation and protected areas, Reviews of published articles and monographs on the above topics, Memorial articles. Preference is given to articles in English. There are no restrictions on the article volume and number of articles in the issue. In the fields of faunistics and floristics, we accept articles of two types: floral and faunal lists on any region of the world (areas, regions, countries, mountain ranges, national parks), and faunal and floral discoveries (finding new species for the regions, additions to previously published inventories…). We also accept articles on methodology of faunal and floral studies. The materials up to three pages are placed in the category Short Communication.

    Acta Biologica Sibirica is covered in abstract and citation databases: Scopus, Web of Science (BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record); DOAJ; ProQuest; EBSCOUlrich's Periodicals Directory; OpenAIREBASE - Bielefeld Academic Search EngineAgricola; Agris; SCILIT; HINARI; AGORA; OARE; CAB Abstracts; OAIster; OCLC; SHERPA/ROMEO;

    Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. 

    Author Guidelines

    Frequency: Since 2020 Acta Bioloigca Sibirica applies a rolling publication principle, meaning that the final versions of articles (i.e. with pagination and complete citation information) are published and allocated to a rolling volume as and when they are ready. We will publish one rolling volume consisting of a single issue per calendar year from 2020. All the articles will be continuously paginated and the universal digital object identifier (DOI) should be used for citations.

  • Turczaninowia

    ISSN 1560-7259 Print, ISSN 1560-7267 Online

    Botanical Journal “Turczaninowia” was founded in 1998 with a periodicity of four issues per year.

    “Turczaninowia” journal publishes original research articles and reviews in Russian or in English devoted to the taxonomy and phylogeny of plants, studying phytodiversity, florogenetics, anatomy and morphology of plants. The journal also has the following sections:

    • Systematic reviews and new taxa;

    • Phylogenetics and chromosome numbers;

    • History of flora;

    • Criticism and Bibliography;

    • Research methods;

    • Geobotany and vegetation;

    • Biotechnology;

    • Anatomy and morphology;

    • Personality;

    • Communications.

    The journal is intended for a wide range of scientists and specialists: botanists, ecologists, resource researchers, biogeocenologists Received articles are subject to mandatory review, and then the editorial board makes a decision on the possibility of their publication in the journal. The decision to publish the article is taken by the editorial board of the journal based on scientific merit and relevance of the submissions.

    During the existence of the journal it became known among specialists in Russian botanists, as well as near and far abroad. The journal is well respected in the Russian-speaking academic environment and demand from foreign colleagues. Since 2009, the journal is included in the list of scientific publications, recommended HAC RF.

    Editorial Board of the journal "Turczaninowia" includes experts from Russia, Germany, Belgium, Japan, Britain, China. The authors of the articles are currently from the following countries: Russia, Germany, China, Japan, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Vietnam and others. Editorial board intends to attract in cooperation more authors from China, Europe, America and CIS countries.

    To date, quarterly about 200 copies of "Turczaninowia" are sent abroad.

  • chemistry of plant raw material

    ISSN 1029-5151 Print, ISSN 1029-5143 Online

    Quarterly Journal of theoretical and applied research has been published since 1997.

    Transliteration of the Russian version of the journal titleKhimija Rastitel’nogo Syr’ja

    Original scientific messages, reviews, are published in journal "Khimija rastitel'nogo syr'ja" ("Chemistry of plant raw material") in the edition, devoted to chemistry of the processes occurring at penetrating chemical processing both a plant complex as a whole, and its separate components, to creation of essentially new effective technological processes of complex processing of plant raw materials or improvement of the operating.

    The Journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, which should be published scientific results of theses for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences, approved by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (HAC).

    The journal is included in the following databases: the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) , Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) in WoS, Scopus, Dimensions, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), AGRIS, Russian Journal of Chemistry (VINITI).

    The five-year (without self-citationimpact factor Russian Science Citation Index 2020 – 0,780

    Every year the best articles published in English in a special issue of the journal Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry (№7), which is available on the platform SpringerLink.


    The founder of the journal is the Department of Regional Studies of Russia, National and State-Confessional Relations of the Altai State University.  The serial has been published since 2007 as a collection of scientific articles, and has become the scientific journal "Worldview of the Population of Southern Siberia and Central Asia in the Historical Retrospective".

    Since 2017, the journal has been published as “Nations and Religions of Eurasia”.

    The journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, where the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published.

    The journal "Nations and religions of Eurasia" is indexed in bibliographic databases:

    SCOPUS (indexed since 2023), ERIH PLUS, DOAJ,, CyberLeninka, OAIsters, ROAR, ROARMAP, OpenAIRE, BASE, ResearchBIB, Socionet, World Catalogue of Scientifc Journals, Scilit, OAIster, OCLC-WolrdCat.

    The Journal is registered with the RF Committee on Printing. Registration certificate PI № ФС 77–78911. Registration date 07.08.2020.

    Publication frequency: 4 issues per year.

    We accept manuscripts in Russian and English.

    All manuscripts received by the editorial board are subject to double-blinf peer review. Color illustrations are published. Each article is assigned a DOI.
    There is no publication fee or charge for any submitted or accepted articles. There are no article processing charges (APCs) to be billed to authors.


    ISSN 2307-2539 (Print), ISSN 2712-8202 (Online)

    Since 2013, the Collection of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology of Altai State University has been published in the format of a journal.
    Periodicity of the bulletin is 4 times a year. The articles are published in Russian and in English.

    The Editorial Board accepts manuscripts for publishing in accordance with the following main topics:

    1. Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Archaeology

    2. Results of Studying Materials of Archaeological Research

    3. Use of Scientific Methods in Archaeological Research

    4. Foreign Archaeology.

    5. Social Reconstruction in Archaeology.

    6. History of Archaeological Discoveries and Research.

    7. New Archaeological Discoveries in Russia.

    8. From Museum Collections.

    Besides, the publication is made of analytical reviews, reviews, chronicles, reports, bibliographic information, information about personalities and other scientific works.
    All manuscripts submitted to the editorial board are to be reviewed. Colored illustrations are published. Each article is assigned with the DOI index.
    The publication is intended for a wide range of researchers dealing with theoretical, methodological and practical problems of Archaeology. Since 2019, the journal has been included in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. The journal is indexed in scientometric and bibliographic databases, electronic libraries DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, CyberLeninka, SCILIT, eLIBRARY, Google Scholar.

  • Izvestiya of Altai State University

    ISSN 1561-9443 (Print) ISSN 1561-9451.(Online)

    The "Izvestiya of Altai State University"

    Journal covers the issues of education technology , the research results in the field of science and technology, social sciences and humanities of the Russian and foreign experts and scholars. The founder of the journal is Altai State University.
    The journal is published in thematic series, including:

    • Physical and Mathematical Sciences

    • Historical Sciences and Archaeology

    All of the series of the journal "Izvestiya of Altai State University" are included in the "List of the Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended by Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of major research results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences."

    The journal is indexed in Ulrich’s Periodical Directory, DOAJ, Google Scholar, EBSCO, OCLC-WorldCAT, MIAR, BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine.

  • Society and Security Insights

    ISSN 2619-0249 (Print), ISSN 2619-0230 (Online) The Society and Security Insights is the official scientific periodical of the Association of Asian universities and the main professional platform for open communication of leading scientists in the field of transnational cooperation, publishing original articles in a broad range of issues relevant to public security, its forms and manifestations, considered from the social science perspective.

    The editorial board is comprised of leading Russian and international scientists with scientific degrees and titles and great experience in scientific research and publishing.

    Manuscripts submitted to the Society and Security Insights (SSI) are critically evaluated for compliance with the following criteria: –  compliance with the Journal aims and scope; – high scientific level and practical significance of findings;  – originality of materials, responsibility to uphold expected ethical standards (absence of plagiarism, simultaneous submissions or submission of previously published writings, absence of conflicts of interests); 

    – compliance with the technical requirements of the “Authors Guidelines”.

    The SSI Journal accepts articles in Russian and English. Journal has both print and online versions, the latter is managed with the Open Journal Systems (OJS). All articles are distributed online and free of cost (Open Access), receive identification index doi via the CrossRef system.  The Journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSoriCI) and the academic databases, search engines, electronic libraries and repositories: ERIH+, DOAJ, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, ROAD, WorldCat, SCILIT, ROAR, ROARMAP, OpenAIRE, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Socionet, OAIster.

    Since June 3, 2022 the journal "Society and Security Insights" is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific editions of the Higher Attestation Commission, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences should be published in three scientific specialties and their corresponding branches of science, in which scientific degrees are awarded:

    5.4.3 Demography (sociological sciences)

    5.4.4 Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences)

    5.4.6 Sociology of culture (sociological sciences).

    In accordance with the recommendations of the Higher Attestation Commission No. 3-pl/1 dated December 21, 2023, the journal was assigned category K2.

    Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

  • Economics Profession Business

    Economics Profession Business

    The Journal "Economics Profession Business" is a scientific serial that publishes the results of relevant fundamental and applied research in the field of Economics, Business, Finance, Management, Accounting and Logistics. There are no restrictions on the article volume and number of articles in the issue. The materials up to three pages are placed in the category Short Communication.

    Economics Profession Business is included in the International scientific databases:

    DOAJ, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), MAIR (Information Matrix For The Analysis of Journals), OPENAIRE - Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe, ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources), Scientific Literature (SCILIT), Socionet - Scientific Information Space, SPARC - Sparc Indexing Institute of Technical Research, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, Worldcat - Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), OAIster, UIUC OAI.

    Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.


  • Philology & Human

    ISSN 1992-7940 Print

    Journal of Philology & Human

    The journal has been published since December 2006. Issued 4 times a year. The average publication period is about a year after receipt of materials.

    The journal is distributed by subscription. Subscription is carried out through the offices of Russian Post. The subscription index is P 5843.

  • Legal Linguistics

    ISSN (online version) 2587-9332.

    The electronic open-access journal has been published quarterly since 1999.

    The journal's partner is the GLEDIS Guild of Linguistic Experts on Documentation and Information Disputes.

    The journal is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission since November 26, 2021.

    The journal materials are placed on the platform of the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC) of the Russian Universal Scientific Electronic Library.

    Journal Publisher - Altai State University.

    We used double-blind peer review for all the articles. 

    Journal accept the manuscripts in Russian and English.

    The editorial board also accept manuscripts in  those areas of the legal-linguistic field that require special efforts and which can be qualified as prospects for the organizational work of the editorial board. Among them, such as coverage of regional problems of legal science: extensive experience of municipal institutions on legal documents, experience of the media in the prevention and resolution of conflict situations, the work of judicial and investigative bodies related to speech practice - all these aspects of "local legal science" need in generalization and serious discussion. There is a considerable need for theoretical coverage of special issues of legal and linguistic activities, in particular, related to the legal consciousness of ordinary native speakers - law-abiding citizens, participants in the dialogue between the state and the people, which is carried out in the language of this nation. Everyday legal consciousness undoubtedly contains a powerful linguistic component, since the functioning of law in society cannot be carried out outside its linguistic being. Finally, the linguistic aspects of international law, legal translation, and conflictology of multilingual interaction need scientific understanding.

  • Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University

    eISSN 2500-3135

    The electronic journal "Bulletin of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State University" was established with the following purposes:

    1) To promptly publish new scientific and practical results in the field of psychology and pedagogy.

    2) To publish scientific, educational, and methodical materials in psychology and pedagogy that cannot be presented in traditional paper form.

    3) To provide a platform for Internet publications for a diverse audience including researchers, teachers, practitioners, students, undergraduates, and graduate students engaged in research activities.

    4) To offer informational support and facilitate scientific and educational activities in the field.

    The cost of advertising information placement is negotiable.

  • Russian-Asian Law Journal

    eISSN 2687-010X

    The "Russian-Asian Law Journal" features studies by Russian and foreign professors focusing on key aspects of the history, current status, and future evolution of legal systems in Russia and Asian countries. Established with the support of the Association of Asian Universities, the journal serves as a forum for scholarly discourse among experts from various regions of Russia and international researchers.

     The journal is indexed in DOAJ,

    State Classifier of Scientific and Technical Information Sections:

    108700. International Law

    108900. Private International Law

    109100. State and Law of Selected Countries

    OECD Section:

    505. Law

    State Commission for Academic Degree and Titles Sections:

    050101. Theoretical-historical legal sciences

    050102. Public-legal (state-legal) sciences

    050104. Criminal-legal sciences

    050103. Private-legal (civilistic) sciences

    050105. International legal sciences


    Journal Principal Sections: 

    Russian Law: History and Modernity

    Legal Systems of Asian Countries

    International Law and Comparative Law

    ISSN 2658-3240 (Print)

    ЖУРНАЛ «Проблемы правовой и технической защиты информации»

    ЖУРНАЛ   «Проблемы правовой и технической защиты информации» публикует научные статьи, в которых рассматриваются актуальные проблемы обеспечения информационной безопасности в Российской Федерации и за рубежом, обсуждаются юридические аспекты борьбы с преступлениями в сфере компьютерной информации, исследуются вопросы разработки и применения программно-аппаратных и технических средств защиты информации.

  • Health, physical culture and sports

    Electronic scientific journal «Health, Physical Culture and Sports» (4 issues per year) publishes articles, reports, reviews devoted to the journal's thematic scope

     ISSN  2414-0244

    The journal is published four issues per year

    The journal is included in the scientific databases (РИНЦ)

    Main sections of the journal:

    1. Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture

    2. Medical and biological issues of human health

    3. Physical training and sports activities

    Additional sections of the journal:

    Analytical reviews

    Readers' opinions, responses and reviews;

    Journal  is included in the International scientific databases:; ROAD; Base; OpenDoar; WorldCat; IndexCopernicus;  JournalTOCs; Openaire; Google Scholar; CyberLeninka (

  • Journal Science and Tourism: Interaction Strategies

    ISSN 2313-4488

    Journal Science and Tourism: Interaction Strategies

    We study various issues of interaction between science and tourism, including the formation of the tourist environment, the influence of state borders on the development of tourism. The main problems are identified and the most relevant trends in the development of the tourism industry in Russia are determined, great attention is paid to the tourist development of territories, the development of scientific approaches to creating a tourist product. New approaches to training specialists for the tourism and service industry are proposed.


    "CURRENT CULTURE" is a specialized academic peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the problems of development of traditional and innovative culture as a value-semantic system and presenting the results of research by Russian and foreign researchers.

    Published since 2023.

    ISSN: 2949-5482

    Publisher's address: 66 Dimitrova St., room 513A, Barnaul, 656049, Russian FederationPeriodicity of the journal - 4 issues per year.

    The scope of the journal's activities:
    - operative publication of scientific researches on problems of modern culture in a wide philosophical and outlook aspect;
    - Providing opportunities for the publication of scientific degrees in the journal's profile;
    - Providing Internet publication opportunities for a wide range of researchers, teachers, practitioners, as well as undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students who have shown themselves in research activities;
    - information support and accompaniment of scientific and educational projects and operational exchange of scientific information.

  • Культурное наследие Сибири

    ISSN 2307-2547 Print

    Культурное наследие Сибири

    Научный журнал посвящен актуальным проблемам современного искусствознания и культурологии: история и современная практика архитектуры Сибири; народная и материальная культура Сибири; художественная жизнь, история и современная творческая практика Сибири, галерейное движение;

    «Свобода не может быть достигнута насильственным изменением политического строя, но будет следствием духовного воспитания человека»

    А.С. Пушкин

    Концепция издания подчинена идее формирования этнокультурной компетенции личности как необходимого условия осуществления интеграции и диалога культур, условия создания убедительного художественного образа современности в изобразительном, декоративно-прикладном искусстве и архитектуре Сибири, идее продвижения имиджа Сибири в мировую культуру.

  • Flora and vegetation of Altai

    Журнал публикует статьи по изучению флоры и растительности Алтая и сопредельных территорий. В материалах журнала представлены новейшие результаты исследований по флоре различных территорий и геоботанике. Рассмотрены вопросы охраны растительного мира. Журнал рассчитан на широкий круг учёных и специалистов: ботаников, биогеоценологов, экологов, ресурсоведов и специалистов, занимающихся вопросами охраны природы.

  • Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity

    ISSN 2307-2598 Печать

    Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity

    It is an annual scientific publication carried out at the Faculty of Sociology of Altai State University.

    Particular attention in the scientific publication is paid to the implementation of opportunities for presenting the results of specific applied sociological studies that are carried out by sociologists during the work, grants or orders of government bodies and various organizations are supported, and practical studies are carried out by specialists representing different scientific fields, but actively applying theoretical concepts and empirical methods of sociology.

    Purpose of publication - publication of scientific articles on sociology, as well as materials relevant to the interdisciplinary connections of sociological science with other general knowledge.

    Tasks of the publication:

    1. The formation of a research discourse of sociological knowledge, taking into account current world and domestic trends in the development of sociology;

    2. Ensuring the requirements of the sciences and demonstrating the role of sociology in improving the intersubject communications of sociology and other branches of socio-humanitarian knowledge;

    3. The ability to develop social thinking of modern man;



  • Труды молодых ученых Алтайского государственного университета

    ISSN 2307-2628 Print

    В сборник включены доклады, представленные на региональной молодежной конференции «Мой выбор — НАУКА!», XLV научной конференции студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов и учащихся лицейных классов (Барнаул, Алтайский государственный университет, 1–28 апреля 2018 г.).

    Рассматриваются актуальные проблемы истории, экономики, юриспруденции, физики, математики, политологии, филологии, географии, социологии, биологии, биомедицины, биотехнологии, химии, искусствоведения, педагогики, журналистики, психологии и философии.

  • Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы

    ISSN 2311-5823 Print

    Journal "Management of a modern organization: experience, problems and prospects"

    A periodical scientific and practical publication devoted to the problems of modern management, issues of ensuring sustainability and business development, summarizing the domestic and foreign practices of managing a modern organization. The journal "Management of a modern organization: experience, problems and prospects" publishes the results of scientific and applied research, including interdisciplinary, new scientific and practical directions and non-standard points of view in the field of economics and management.

  • Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space

    ISSN 1999-6454 Print

    Journal «Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space» it is an official periodical publishing the materials of the annual international conference of the same name devoted to problems of national and ethnocultural development, the formation of civic, national and ethnic identity, ethnocultural characteristics of self-preserving behavior, cultural heritage, ethnocultural education of youth, the formation of civil society, and the functioning of the system of patriotic education.

  • Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии

    p-ISSN 2313-3929

    e-ISSN 2686-9268

    Problems of Botany in Southern Siberia and Mongolia

    The journal contains scientific articles based on the materials of the annual international scientific-practical conference "Problems of Botany in Southern Siberia and Mongolia."

    The journal publishes the results of original scientific research in Russian and English in the following areas: geobotany and resource studies; study of vegetation; molecular methods for the study of plants and chemosystematics; morphology and biology of individual species; plant protection; the role of botanical gardens and the conservation of plant biodiversity; flora of South Siberia, Mongolia and neighboring states; plant ecology and phytoindication; taxonomy of individual taxa.

    The publication is of interest to specialists in the field of botany, ecology, nature conservation and all those interested in the study, protection and rational use of the plant world.

    The journal "Problems of Botany in Southern Siberia and Mongolia" is included in the RSCI. Currently, the authors of the articles are representatives of the following countries: Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Germany, Ukraine, etc.

  • Труды семинара по геометрии и математическому моделированию

    ISSN 2309-4680 Print

    Труды семинара по геометрии и математическому моделированию

    Журнал публикует оригинальные, ранее нигде не опубликованные статьи по следующим тематикам: Алгебра и математическая логика; Анализ, геометрия и топология; Вычислительные и информационные системы и технологии; Дифференциальные уравнения и математические модели; Математическое моделирование объектов науки и техники; Математическое моделирование экономических и социальных систем и процессов.

    Политика журнала включает обязательное рецензирование рукописей анонимными рецензентами.

    Авторы сохраняют авторское право, а также дают право журналу публиковать оригинальные научные статьи, содержащие результаты экспериментальных и теоретических исследований, которые не находятся на рассмотрении для публикации в других изданиях. Все материалы распространяются на условиях лицензии Creative Commons Attribution, которая позволяет другим распространять их с признанием авторства работы и первичностью ее публикации в этом журнале.Ограничений по объему статьи и количеству статей в выпуске нет. Журнал выходит один раза в год в режиме “continuous publication”. Выпуск закрывается 1 декабря.

  • All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Mathematics-Altai Territory

    ISSN 2500-3453 Печать

    All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Mathematics-Altai Territory "

    Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference on Mathematics with the participation of RS.

  • Altai Zoological Journal

    ISSN 1999-6454 Print

    Altai Zoological Journal

    Publishes original articles, previously unpublished, devoted to the study of various aspects of the biology of animals of all types without limitation by geographical boundaries.

    Among the regular sections of the journal are presented the fundamental classical areas of zoological science - “Entomology”, “Ichthyology”, “Herpetology”, “Ornithology”, “Theriology”, as well as research in various areas of biological science - systematics, faunistics, morphology, histology, ecology, ethology, biogeography, physiology, genogeography, parasitology and others, performed on any zoological objects.

  • Математика и её приложения

    ISSN 2309-4680 (print)

    Электронный журнал " Математика и её приложения" является периодическим научно-техническим изданием, в котором публикуются оригинальные статьи и обзоры по фундаментальным проблемам математики и ее приложениям к исследованию объектов науки и техники. Основные разделы журнала:

    • Алгебра и математическая логика

    • Анализ, геометрия и топология

    • Вычислительные и информационные системы и технологии

    • Дифференциальные уравнения и математические модели

    • Математическое моделирование объектов науки и техники

    • Математическое моделирование экономических и социальных систем и процессов

    Издание предназначено для широкого круга ученых и специалистов, работающих как в области математики, так и в смежных областях науки и техники. Поступившие в редакцию статьи проходят обязательное рецензирование, по результатам которого редколлегия принимает решение о возможности их опубликования в журнале.