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A.R. Dorozhinskaya Email:
D.D. Molodtsova Email:


Тhe purpose of the article is to study assimilation as an inseparable part of the development of an ethnic group on the example of American and Russian society. The definition of the concept of assimilation is given. The work of American sociologists and cultural scientists, such as Robert Park, Milton Gordon and Lloyd Warner, is considered. The types of assimilation are specified. Forced assimilation is considered on the example of the USSR in the 1940–1950. The article also provides borrowing of foreign words on the example of English and Russian languages. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the impact of assimilation on small groups and ethnic groups, as well as in the interdisciplinary consideration of the issue with the involvement of the works of modern American scientists and the study of articles by our compatriots.


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How to Cite
Dorozhinskaya , A. and Molodtsova, D. 2021. ASSIMILATION AS A FACTOR OF ETHNOCULTURAL INTEGRATION. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 10 (Aug. 2021), 52-56.


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