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G.M. Galmagova Email: gmg21@bk.ru


Particular attention is paid to the issue of formation and preservation of cultural identity. New convergent technologies contribute to this. Digital technologies are the main tool of communication and information transfer, without which it is impossible to imagine the life of modern society. These technologies have a direct impact on the life of every person, creating digital information tools - they, in turn, are used in a wide variety of areas of social activity. To develop digital technologies, society needs to reconsider the specifics of institutions, the main purpose of which is to provide cultural identification and create various types of identity. The active development of network technologies gives rise to a different opinion about power, human privileges and the influence of some individuals on others in society. Social scientific research demonstrates a direct relationship between digital media used to create a multicultural identity and a large list of factors, including political, economic and others. For this reason, digital convergence (deconvergence) must create improved mechanisms designed to transform new combinations of knowledge and resources available to society. This will make it possible to realize new cultural opportunities for society, which, in turn, will create the basis for intensifying the process of "eternal return" to identity.


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Galmagova, G. 2023. ON THE ISSUE OG CONVERGENT TECHNOLOGIES AS A MODERN MECHANISMS OF PRESERVING OF CULTURAL IDENTITY. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 13 (Apr. 2023), 90-93.


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