Karyologists estimate that 30 to 80% of plant species have polyploid genomes. Polyploidization (whole-genome duplication - WGD) of the genome is a widespread and rapid way of speciation in plants. Tens of thousands of species of modern plants have arisen this way. Based on this fact, A. Löve (Löve, 1982, 1984) proposed to base the systematics and taxonomy of Wheatgrasses on the genomic formula - a unique composition of the genome characteristic of a given genus. A group of closely related species with either a specific diploid genome or a special combination of subgenomes, characteristic only for the genus, should be referred to one genus. Until recently, almost the only way to determine the genomic composition of species and genera was the method “Genomanalys” proposed by Kihara, which is based on the study of the patterns of chromosome conjugation in the offspring from crossing the tested polyploid with the supposed diploid ancestors (“analyzers”). The experimental approach proposed by Kihara required long and labor-intensive studies and the availability of collections of living plants. For this reason, genomic analysis was possible only in work with few crops. New methods for analyzing genomes had to emerge. “What is impossible now may eventually become possible” - wrote N.N. Tsvelev (1991). Such methods have now appeared. By examining intragenomic rDNA polymorphism by NGS on the Illumina platform, we can effectively identify plant species and genera and verify hypotheses about their origin.
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