Current culture: search for grounds and event perspective

  • Zakir G. Mammadaliyev Azerbaijan State University of Economics Email:
  • Natalia S. Murashova Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Email:
  • Zhumageldy K. Kenispaev Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin Email:
Keywords: current culture, traditionalism, innovation, values and norms, event perspective, eventfulness


The article attempts to conceptualize the concept of active culture. The authors proceed from the need to objectify current culture as a value-semantic system, based on the conjugation of values and norms of traditionalism and innovationism. The search for the foundations of an actual culture is conducted through the prism of the "centralization" of values, as well as the symbolization of being and symbolic exchange. At the same time, the role of eventfulness in the development of current culture is emphasized. The proposed event perspective allows us to assess the current culture from the point of view of grasping events that have both a pronounced social orientation and a socio-cultural one. It is established that at the same time, the cluster of meanings of traditional and innovative becomes the key basis for the development of an actual culture.


Author Biographies

Zakir G. Mammadaliyev, Azerbaijan State University of Economics

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Humanities

Natalia S. Murashova, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Socio-Cultural and Library Activities

Zhumageldy K. Kenispaev, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History, Economic Theory and Law


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Актуальная культура: поиск оснований и ивент-ракурс
How to Cite
1. Mammadaliyev Z. G., Murashova N. S., Kenispaev Z. K. Current culture: search for grounds and event perspective // CURRENT CULTURE, 2024. № 2. P. 1-18. URL: