• Алексей Васильевич Михайлов Polzunov Altai State Technical University (Barnaul) Email:
Keywords: ecological reproduction, the indicator of the economic activity of the region, damage to the external environment, the decontamination of production and consumption wastes, the reproduction of regional social capital


In the article, reproductive processes are studied from the standpoint of the methodology of systemic consideration of production and ecology. As a result, the formula for the cost of the produced product is adjusted, including the parameters of the external environment. The considered system principles and models are tested at the meso-economic level. The principal possibility considering the influence of the production factor on the utility and damage criteria, based on the socio-demographic and ecological dimension, is discussed. The main indicators that characterize the impact of economic activity on the environment on the materials of the Altai Territory are given. The concepts of regional economy are explored, and regression dependencies are established between the main indicators reflecting the processes of accumulation and neutralization of production and consumption wastes. These regressive dependencies reflect both the dynamics of changes in fixed production assets and intermediate consumption over time and establish the relationship between their change and the change in the indicators depending on them-the gross regional product, the volume of emissions from production waste and the amount of used and neutralized production waste. The proposed model and the forecasted indicators derived from it are intended to assess the level of waste from the growth of GRP and the calculation of economic damage for the region.


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How to Cite
1. Михайлов А. В. SECURING GROWTH AND REGIONAL ECONOMY UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITS // Economics Profession Business, 2018. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 67-74. URL: