• Ержан Багданович Домалатов Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби (Алматы) Email: erjan_1991.91@mail.ru
  • Игорь Николаевич Дубина Алтайский государственный университет (Барнаул) Email: igor_dubina@yahoo.com
  • Ардак Несипбековна Тургинбаева Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби (Алматы) Email: turginan@gmail.com
Ключевые слова: государственно-частное партнерство, инновационная экономика, финансирование инноваций, научные исследования и разработки, Казахстан


Рассматривается значение государственно-частного партнерства (ГЧП) для устойчивого роста и повышения конкурентоспособности национальной экономики; представлен опыт реализации ГЧП в Республике Казахстан и ряде других стран. Определены сдерживающие факторы развития сотрудничества в сфере государственно-частного партнерства и использования его механизмов в развитии процессов инновационного инвестирования в экономику Казахстана.


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Dubina I. N., Carayannis E. G., Campbell D. F. J. (2012) Creativity economy and a crisis of the economy? Coevolution of knowledge, innovation, and creativity, and of the knowledge economy and knowledge society // Journal of the Knowledge Economy. 3 (1). Pp. 1–24.

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Shmelev S. E., Sagiyeva R. K., Kadyrkhanova Z. M., Chzhan Y. Y., ShmelevaI.S. (2018) Comparative sustainability analysis of two Asian cities: A multidimensional assessment of Taipei and Almaty // The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business. 5 (3). Pp. 143–155.

Ablaev I. M., Akhmetshina E. R. (2016) The role of the public private partnership in the innovation cluster development // Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. 17 (4). Pp. 220–232.

Javed A. A., Lam P. T. I., Chan A. P. C. (2014) Change negotiation in public-private partnership projects through output specifications: an experimental approach based on game theory // Construction Management and Economics. 32 (4). Pp. 323–348.

Cruz C. O., Marques R. C. (2014) Theoretical considerations on quantitative PPP viability analysis // Journal of Management in Engineering. 30 (1). Pp. 122–126.

Berezin A., Sergi B. S., Gorodnova N. (2018) Efficiency assessment of public-private partnership (PPP) projects: The case of Russia // Sustainability: Open Access. 10 (10). 3713. Pp. 1–18.

Cong X., Ma L. (2018) Performance evaluation of public-private partnership projects from the perspective of Efficiency, Economic, Effectiveness, and Equity: A study of residential renovation projects in China // Sustainability: Open Access. 10 (10). 1951. Pp. 1–21.

Akintoye A., Beck M., Kumaraswamy M. (2016) Public Private Partnerships: A Global Review. Taylor and Francis, 412 p.

Roumboutsos A. (2015) Public Private Partnerships in Transport Infrastructure: An International Review // Transport Reviews. 35 (2). Pp. 111–117.

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Dubina, I. N., Carayannis, E. G., Campbell, D. F. J. (2012) Creativity economy and a crisis of the economy? Coevolution of knowledge, innovation, and creativity, and of the knowledge economy and knowledge society. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 3 (1), 1–24.

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Shmelev, S. E., Sagiyeva, R. K., Kadyrkhanova, Z. M., Chzhan, Y. Y. & Shmeleva, I. S. (2018) Comparative sustainability analysis of two Asian cities: A multidimensional assessment of Taipei and Almaty. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 5 (3), 143–155.

Ablaev, I. M., Akhmetshina, E. R. (2016) The role of the public private partnership in theinnovationcluster development. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 17 (4), 220–232.

Javed, A. A., Lam, P. T. I. & Chan, A. P. C. (2014) Change negotiation in public-private partnership projects through output specifications: an experimental approach based on game theory. Construction Management and Economics, 32 (4),323–348.

Cruz, C. O., Marques, R. C. (2014) Theoretical considerations on quantitative PPP viability analysis. Journal of Management in Engineering, 30 (1), 122–126.

Berezin, A., Sergi, B. S. & Gorodnova, N. (2018) Efficiency assessment of public-private partnership (PPP) projects: The case of Russia. Sustainability: Open Access, 10 (10), 3713, 1–18.

Cong, X. & Ma, L. (2018) Performance evaluation of public-private partnership projects from the perspective of Efficiency, Economic, Effectiveness, and Equity: A study of residential renovation projects in China. Sustainability: Open Access, 10 (10), 1951, 1–21.

Akintoye, A., Beck, M. & Kumaraswamy, M. (2016) Public Private Partnerships: A Global Review. Taylor and Francis.
Roumboutsos, A. (2015) Public Private Partnerships in Transport Infrastructure: An International Review. Transport Reviews, 35 (2), 111–117.

Ullah, F., Ayub, B., Siddiqui, S. Q. & Thaheem, M. J. (2016) A review of public-private partnership: critical factors of concession period. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 21 (3), 269–300.

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Domalatov, E. B. (2018) The state of the national innovation system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials of International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists «Farabi alemi». Almaty, Kazakh University,10–13 (in Kazakh).

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The official site of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. URL: www.stat.gov.kz.

State of the Nation 2012 Canada’s Science, Technology and Innovation System: Aspiring to Global Leadership. URL: http://www.stic-csti.ca/eic/site/stic-csti.nsf/vwapj/StateOfTheNation2012‑may16‑eng.pdf/$file/StateOfTheNation2012‑may16‑eng.pdf.

The Economist Intelligence Unit. The 2014 Infrascope Index and Report. URL: https://www.eiu.com.

Lee, M., Han, X., Gaspar, R. & Alano, T. (2018) Deriving Macroeconomic Benefits from Public-Private Partnerships in Developing Asia.ADB Economics Working Paper Series, 551. URL: https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/publication/438786/ewp-551‑macroeconomic-benefits-ppps-asia.pdf.

The Global Innovation Index. URL: http://www.wipo.int/publications/ ru/details.jsp?id=4193&plang=EN.
Как цитировать
1. Домалатов Е. Б., Дубина И. Н., Тургинбаева А. Н. СОСТОЯНИЕ И РАЗВИТИЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННО- ЧАСТНОГО ПАРТНЕРСТВА В ИННОВАЦИОННОЙ СФЕРЕ КАЗАХСТАНА: СРАВНЕНИЕ С МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ ПРАКТИКОЙ // Экономика Профессия Бизнес, 2018. Т. 4. № 4. С. 21-29. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/ec/article/view/201849.