УДК 332.1: 004

  • O. S. Koshevoy Penza State University (Penza, Russia) Email: olaa1@yandex.ru
Keywords: digitalization, information and communication technologies, sample survey, Internet, sociodemographic characteristics of the population


In the context of the formation of a digital society in the Russian Federation, in addition to the introduction of digital technologies in the economy, production and distribution, great importance is attached to the digitalization of the population by organizing its access to various services based on the use of the Internet. This is the appeal of citizens to employees of state and municipal government bodies through the use of virtual reception rooms, this is an appeal to various medical institutions, institutions of higher and secondary education, the purchase of travel documents, etc.

However, the most popular technological tool that fully covers almost all the needs of the population of the Russian Federation is the port of state and municipal services, which is fully harmonized with the current legislation.

Unfortunately, the demand for the portal in various regions of the Russian Federation is heterogeneous, both in general, in terms of the total volume of services provided, and in their structural content.

To date, Rosstat has formed a fairly extensive empirical base that allows us to assess the uneven use of the portal of public services by various regions of the Russian Federation and to outline ways to overcome this inequality. This study is devoted to the consideration of the presented problem.

In this paper, nonparametric methods for assessing the presence of a statistical relationship between features based on the use of conjugacy tables, frequency and comparative analyses are used as research methods.


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Author Biography

O. S. Koshevoy, Penza State University (Penza, Russia)

доктор технических наук, профессор


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How to Cite
1. Koshevoy O. S. DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF DIGITALIZATION IN THE REGION IN THE DIRECTION OF RENDERING STATE AND MUNICIPAL SERVICES TO THE POPULATION // Economics Profession Business, 2021. № 2. P. 50-58. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/ec/article/view/epb202122.