УДК 332.1
The purpose of this article is to streamline relatively new (over the last ten-year period) information in the field of regional and spatial research for a better understanding of the subject field of regionalistics. The article was implemented in the form of a review as one of the promising types of scientific publication and generally meets international criteria and the traditions of their compilation.
Taking into account the initial stage of the study of the socio-economic space among the extensive typology of reviews used in international practice, the most common appearance is a narrative review, one of whose characteristic features is subjective selection of information.
Preference in selection of articles was given to the works of famous regionalists; At the same time, not only publications, “directly” reflect the trends in the development of socio-economic space, but also studies made by conjugate topics and disciplines.
Structuring articles were carried out on various reasons. The main grouping of publications: 1) in the context of scientific schools and personalities; 2) depending on the direction of publications disclosing certain trends in the development of socio-economic space (“differentiation — leveling” differences, “compression — expansion”, “Integration — fragmentation”).
The complexity and problems of the formation of regional and spatial research reviews are revealed, promising directions for analyzing information on spatial subjects associated with the preparation of a systematic review are shown.
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