УДК 331.5

  • A. Ch. Kylgyday Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources SB RAS (Kyzyl, Russia) Email:
Keywords: labor market, unemployment, pandemic, remote employment


The article considers the development trends of the Russian labor market. A brief analysis of the current situation on the labor market is carried out. Unemployment is one of the main problems of the Russian labor market, nevertheless, the formation of the labor market and the formation of modern labor relations continue in the conditions of constant changes and instability. Employment opportunities are becoming more flexible and diversified with a simultaneous competition rising. The assessment of modern changes in the world is given in the work by economic crises, sectoral transformations of the economy, scientifically-technological progress, production modernization and the transition to high technologies. The social-economic consequences of the rapid propagation of digital technologies, their impact on production and economic systems, on the selection and characteristics of professions preferred by the labor market, and on the requirements for workers deserve special attention. The development of digital technologies causes human activities, labor relations move into the virtual sphere. The article considers the changes in the labor sphere during the coronavirus pandemic around the world.


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Author Biography

A. Ch. Kylgyday, Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources SB RAS (Kyzyl, Russia)

научный сотрудник


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How to Cite
1. Kylgyday A. C. LABOR MARKET: CHANGES IN THE LABOR SPHERE, MODERN CHALLENGES // Economics Profession Business, 2022. № 1. P. 63-66. URL: