УДК 332.1 (571.1/.5)
The article is devoted to the characterization of the prerequisites for formation and limitations of the study of the integration ties of the Altai Territory with the regions of the Siberian Federal District. The results of a study focused on the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of mechanisms and driving forces for formation of integrated socio-economic space of Altai Territory with the regions of the Siberian Federal District and an assessment of the integration potential of Altai Territory are presented. The conclusion is made about the need for systematization and generalization of literature on this topic.
The conclusion about the insufficient economic potential of Altai Territory to overcome а lag behind other regions of the SFD in terms of socio-economic development and to activate of interregional ties is substantiated. A noticeable integration potential is inherent in the food industry, although there are a number of obstacles for its implementation. The influence of coke production, machinery and equipment on the interregional trade scale is significant. The estimation of changes in the population incomes of Altai Territory at various stages of the economy is given.
The limitations of the research of the interregional movement of goods and population imposed by specifics of statistical accounting are considered. An assessment of consequences of inadequate reflection of commodity and migration flows on the study results is given.
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