УДК 332.1 (571.52):314.17

  • A. Ch. Kylgyday Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources SB RAS (Kyzyl, Russia) Email:
Keywords: Tuva Republic, border region, resource potential, population, area, average salary, border situation


The modern economy considers the border territories as potential “points of growth” with prospects and conditions for intensive development, in order to overcome their periphery. In this article, the author attempts to consider the resource potential of the border regions of the Republic of Tyva, directly bordering the territory of Mongolia: Mongun-Taiga, Ovyur, Tere-Khol, Teshem, Erzya districts. Based on the analysis, the demographic, economic and natural resource potentials of the border territories of the republic were identified (the larger the area of the territory, the more natural resources). To assess the demographic potential, the share of the population of border areas in the population of the region is considered, as an economic potential — the share of average nominal wages in border areas as a percentage of the republican level, and a natural resource potential, was determined as the share of the area of border regions area.


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Author Biography

A. Ch. Kylgyday, Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources SB RAS (Kyzyl, Russia)

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How to Cite
1. Kylgyday A. C. RESOURCE POTENTIAL OF THE BORDER REGIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TUVA // Economics Profession Business, 2023. № 4. P. 65-69. URL: