УДК 378.14

  • V. A. Senchenko Volgograd Center for Occupational Safety and Ecology (Volgograd, Russia); Russian State Social University (Moscow, Russia) Email:
  • T. T. Kaverzneva Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia) Email:
  • A. G. Fetisov Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia) Email:
  • F. F. Arslanbekova Russian State Social University (Moscow, Russia) Email:
Keywords: moving weights manually, ritual industry, means of small mechanization, transportation of monuments


The ritual industry in everyday life is emotionally associated with mourning. Оccupational safety issues in this industry are not discussed as widely in society as in other industries. The ritual industry does not have its own sectoral labor protection rules, therefore, labor protection issues are regulated only by intersectoral labor protection rules.

Memorial structures in terms of weight, as a rule, exceed the maximum permissible norms for single lifting and moving weights for men. Therefore, when lifting and moving memorial structures, means of small mechanization are required.

In large cities, burial in cemeteries is very dense and the passages between the graves are getting narrower and narrower. Therefore, at present, an essential requirement for the means of mechanization for the transportation

of monuments is the requirement that the dimensions of transport mechanisms correspond to the dimensions of narrow passages. Various types of mechanization equipment (trolleys) for transporting monuments are presented on the Russian market, but most of them are wider in size than necessary.

This article examines the working conditions and risks of a worker installing monuments in a ritual household. The article presents technical solutions for moving memorial structures around the cemetery using small-scale mechanization tools to reduce the severity of workers» labor. Reducing the severity of workers» work will reduce the number of.


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Author Biographies

V. A. Senchenko, Volgograd Center for Occupational Safety and Ecology (Volgograd, Russia); Russian State Social University (Moscow, Russia)

главный специалист по охране труда; магистрант

T. T. Kaverzneva, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia)

кандидат технических наук, доцент

A. G. Fetisov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)

кандидат технических наук, исполняющий обязанности заведующего кафедрой природной и техногенной безопасности и управления риском

F. F. Arslanbekova, Russian State Social University (Moscow, Russia)

кандидат биологических наук, доцент


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How to Cite
1. Senchenko V. A., Kaverzneva T. T., Fetisov A. G., Arslanbekova F. F. IMPROVING WORKING CONDITIONS FOR WORKERS INSTALLING MONUMENTS IN RITUAL ECONOMY // Economics Profession Business, 2024. № 1. P. 72-76. URL: