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Alexey V. Zimin Email: zimin.0169@yandex.ru


One of the important critical factors that determine the duration of the initial (pilot) operation ofIT services is the quality of user preparation for joint work in the enterprise management system. Obviously, the duration and corresponding losses from incidents caused by unqualified actions of users can be significantly reduced by increasing the level of their competencies. The article examines optimization (scalar and vector), as well as game tasks of unified and personalized competence management of IT personnel. An iterative procedure for solving thegeneralized dual problem of network programming generated by the direct problem of personalized competence management has been formulated and developed.


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How to Cite
Zimin A. V. OPTIMIZATION AND GAME TASKS AND COMPETENCY MANAGEMENT MECHANISMS // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2021. Vol. 14, № 2. P. 25-31. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/mmo/article/view/10977.
Методы и инструменты стратегического управления организацией
Author Biography

Alexey V. Zimin, Center for Digital Competences; Department of Automation and Information Systems, Siberian State Industrial University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the Center for Digital Competencies, Associate Professor of theDepartment of Automation and Information Systems, Siberian State Industrial University, Russia, Novokuznetsk


Зимин А. В., Буркова, И. В., Зимин В. В. Применение компьютерного моделирования для исследования решений игровой задачи управления компетенциями // Системы управления и информационные технологии. 2020. № 4 (82). С. 32–34 [Zimin, A. V., Burkova, I. V., Zimin, V. V. Application of computer modeling for the study of solutions to the game problem of competence management. Sistemy upravleniya i informacionnye tehnologii = Control systems and information technologies. 2020;4 (82):32–34 (In Russ.)].

Зимин А. В., Буркова И. В., Зимин В. В. Оргмеханизмы формирования программ обучения пользователей ИТ-сервисов // Системы управления и информационные технологии. 2019. № 3 (77). С. 63–66 [Zimin, A. V., Burkova, I. V., Zimin, V. V. Organizational mechanisms for the formation of training programs for users of IT services. Sistemy upravleniya i informacionnye tehnologii = Management systems and information technologies. 2019;3 (77):63–66 (In Russ.)].

Зимин А. В., Буркова И. В., Митьков В. В., Зимин В. В. Формирование программ обучения пользователей ERP-системы // Известия высших учебных заведений. Черная металлургия. 2018. Т. 61, № 10. С. 813–817 [Zimin, A. V., Burkova, I. V., Mitkov, V. V., Zimin, V. V. Formation of training programs for users of the ERPsystem. Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Chernaya metallurgiya = News of higher educational institutions. Ferrous metallurgy. 2018;61 (10):813–817 (In Russ.)].

Zimin, A. V., Burkova, I. V., Zimin, V. V., Kravets, O. Ja. (2020). Use of generalized dual problem solutions in the game model of competence management problem. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1691. 012155.

Zimin, A. V., Burkova, I. V., Kravets, O. Ja., Zimin, V. V. (2019). The mechanism for the generalized dual problem of network programming solving. IOP (Q3) J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1399. 033031.

Zimin, A. V., Burkova, I. V., Zimin, V. V. (2019). Models and mechanisms for managing competencies of IT services users. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 377. 012046.

Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ № 2020618313. Программный комплекс для формирования методом сетевого программирования унифицированных и персонифицированных программ повышения компетенций персонала предприятий и организаций / Зимин А. В., Золин И. А., Сергеева Д. М., Свинцов М. М.; правообладатель Зимин А. В. (RU). Заявка № 2020617446, дата поступления: 13.07.2020; дата государственной регистрации в Реестре программ для ЭВМ: 23.07.2020 [Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2020618313. A software package for the formation of unified and personalized programs for increasing the competence of personnel of enterprises and organizations by the method of network programming / Zimin, A. V., Zolin, I. A., Sergeeva, D. M., Svintsov, M. M.; copyright holder Zimin, A. The. (RU). Application No. 2020617446, date of receipt: 13/07/2020; date of state registration in the Register of computer programs: 07/23/2020. (In Russ.)].