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Alexey S. Grozov Email:


Competition is a challenge for any organization. One of the main specialized tools for studying it for an organization is competitive analysis. This article is devoted to the issues of competitive analysis as an element of the strategic analysis of the organization’s activities, and as the basis for improving the organization’s strategy. A competent competitive strategy of an organization directly increases its competitiveness through correct positioning to consumers, and this, in turn, strengthens the company’s position in the market. The practical significance ofcompetitive analysis is ensured by a long period of project development after a managerial decision is made, the reduction of risks for which depends on knowledge of the capabilities and future actions of competitors. At the same time, the main tool of the most competitive analysis is working with information. The specificity of the issue does not allow to be limited only to open information in full for sufficiently accurate forecasting in all cases. The paper presents the main possible positions of the company in relation to competitive analysis, sources of informationand the process of its implementation, a study of the relationship of strategic objectives, tools and methods of competitive analysis is carried out.


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How to Cite
Grozov A. S. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS AS THE BASIS FOR IMPROVING THE ORGANIZATION’S STRATEGY // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2021. Vol. 14, № 2. P. 32-37. URL:
Методы и инструменты стратегического управления организацией
Author Biography

Alexey S. Grozov, PA “Barnaul Branch No. 5440 VTB (PJSC)”

Leading credit analyst of the department for work with corporate clients of PA “Barnaul Branch No. 5440 VTB (PJSC)”, master’s student of Altai State University, Russia, Barnaul


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