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Alexandra D. Fedosova Email:


Depending on the availability of the opportunity in the educational organization to accurately predict for applicants their possible score of the Unified State Exam, a certain degree of its competitiveness, trust and loyalty on the part of applicants depends. Using accurate mathematical models, it is possible to offer applicants possible options for increasing the USE score, through the implementation of additional, professional and educational courses, thereby increasing the attractiveness of the organization, as a result, its profit.Currently, there are several methodological approaches to predicting the USE score. Due to the improvement of information technologies, a methodological approach based on the construction and use of artificial neural networks has been developed in forecasting. Unlike other mathematical models, neural networks are currently the most accurate and adaptive. Therefore, the article proposed a methodological approach to predicting the USE score based on the construction and use of neural network models. The proposed approach can be applied to predict the USE score in various subjects.


Article Details

How to Cite
Fedosova A. D. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO PREDICTING THE USE SCORE IN ORDER TO ATTRACT APPLICANTS TO THE UNIVERSITY // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2023. Vol. 17, № 1. P. 16-27. URL:
Вопросы теории и методологии управления организацией
Author Biography

Alexandra D. Fedosova, Altai State University

acting Director of the Center for Communication Solutions and Consulting, assistant at the Departmentof Management, Business Organization and Innovation, Barnaul, Russia


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