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Алина Витальевна Дегтярёва Email:
Irina Yu. Anufrieva Email:


The article is devoted to modern trends in strategic personnel management within the framework of the concept of its sustainable development.The purpose of the study is to identify modern trends in personnel management within the framework of the organization's sustainable development strategy.The authors review various points of view on the concept of «sustainable development of the organization», identify the need for a transition to a closedloop economy and analyze the experience of its application in organizations of the Altai Territory.The article reveals the existing problems, prospects for the introduction of circular production in the Altai Territory from the point of view of personnel management and contains recommendations for the successful implementation of the concept of sustainable development of the organization.


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Дегтярёва А. В., Anufrieva I. Y. MODERN TRENDS IN THE ORGANIZATION’S PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIRCULATING ECONOMY // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2023. Vol. 17, № 1. P. 45-55. URL:
Развитие человеческого капитала организации
Author Biographies

Алина Витальевна Дегтярёва, production organization “Ekoznak”

Head of the HR Department, Barnaul, Russia

Irina Yu. Anufrieva, Altai State University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Business Organization and Innovation


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