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Anastasia V. Pronchakova Email:


The article clarifies the concept of «in-house training», considers traditional and modern methods of personnel training: on-the-job and on-the-job training. The advanced experience of Russian companies, advantages and disadvantages of current types of in-house training are analyzed in detail. The organization, forms and methods of vocational training in a specific Russian organization are considered. It is noted that personnel training in modern conditions is an instrument of the competitive struggle of the organization, an opportunity to reduce staff turnover, increase its motivation and value.The author concluded that the development and training of personnel is the key to changes in the organization, one of the conditions for the competitiveness of a modern organization. In conclusion, the author defines the main directions of in-house training of personnel in the organization.


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How to Cite
Pronchakova A. V. IN-HOUSE STAFF TRAINING: MAIN TRENDS AND BEST PRACTICES // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2023. Vol. 17, № 1. P. 56-66. URL:
Развитие человеческого капитала организации
Author Biography

Anastasia V. Pronchakova, Group of Companies “Construction. Business. Commerce”

specialist of the Personnel Department of the Group of Companies “Construction. Business. Commerce”, Barnaul, Russia


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