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Hungbem Enagnon Jacques Email:


This scientific article explores the career development strategies of the organization's personnel. The authors conducted a comprehensive analysis of the definitions of the concept of «career», proposed by various researchers, and analyzed various approaches to career development. The principles of building an employee's career were studied, which, if followed, help the individual to achieve career success. Based on these principles, the authors made recommendations for the head of the organization to develop an effective career development strategy for staff. To confirm the effectiveness of the recommendations, the authors analyzed the application of these strategies in a real situation on the example of the Georgian restaurant «Khochu Puri» in Barnaul, conducted a survey of employees. The object of the study is the personnel development system in the Barnaul restaurant business organization. The subject of the study is the influence of career strategies on the development of organizational personnel. The purpose of the study is to study various approaches to personnel career development, identify their effectiveness and offer recommendations for organizational leaders. Research methodology - analysis of scientific literature, comparative analysis of organization data, sociological written survey of organization employees. The results showed positive changes in the development of personnel and the effectiveness of the implementation of career strategies. This article is an important contribution to the field of career development research and can be useful to both researchers and practicing leaders of organizations.


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How to Cite
Jacques H. E. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION’S HUMAN CAPITAL // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2023. Vol. 18, № 2. P. 40-49. URL:
Развитие человеческого капитала организации
Author Biography

Hungbem Enagnon Jacques , Altai State University; CARGO ACADEMY SERVICES Import - export

master's student at Altai State University, Russia, Barnaul, chief administrator of CARGO ACADEMY SERVICES Import — export


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