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Sofya I. Mukhortova Email:


The article discusses the economic-legal and problem-practical aspects of employment management of the company's employees. The author analyzes theoretical approaches to the process of employment management, considers legislative acts of federal and regional significance. The problems of employment in the labor market (imbalance of supply and demand) and its management at the company level are revealed (discrepancy of professional interests of employees when choosing the directions of their retraining and advanced training, inefficient choice of stimulating tools in employment management, the use of tools aimed at increasing labor productivity, the consequence of which is an increase in its intensity. The presence of the identified problems is illustrated by the example of the company LLC “Kiprino” (the results of the research showed that most employees have problems with the organization of their workload, and the company's management is not always able to manage the employment of personnel due to the peculiarities of the organizational structure). The author suggests considering the process of employment management within the framework of the concept of human resource management and guided by recommendations on the selection of the most effective employment management tools, based on an assessment of the company's human resources, individual and professional needs of employees and the goals of the organization, the total organizational load.


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How to Cite
Mukhortova S. I. MANAGING THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION’S PERSONNEL // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2023. Vol. 18, № 2. P. 50-58. URL:
Развитие человеческого капитала организации
Author Biography

Sofya I. Mukhortova , JSC "TD Kiprino"

marketer, JSC “TD Kiprino”, Russia, Barnaul


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