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Ruslan A. Samsonov Email:


In the article, in the context of the theory of errors of the I and II types, the problems of errors of the III and IV types in the economic mechanisms of institutions of managerial responsibility are explored and developed. This problem was first identified and formulated by the author in 2016 in the process of preparing a review and opposition to the dissertation of S.P. Petrova «The influence of antimonopoly regulation institutions on the behavior of dominant economic entities» at the Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production SB RAS. The problem was further developed in the author's research on issues of management control and cost measurements of the economic effects of human behavior. As a result, it is proposed to include in the list of management control errors indicators of the probability of erroneous non-involvement and erroneous attraction of subjects to positive responsibility, as well as using the proposed indicators as parameters when modeling and regulating human behavior in the field of cost measurements and public institutions at various levels.


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How to Cite
Samsonov R. A. ERRORS OF THE III AND IV KINDS IN ECONOMIC MECHANISMS OF INSTITUTIONS OF CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2024. Vol. 19, № 1. P. 5-13. URL:
Институциональные модели управления организацией
Author Biography

Ruslan A. Samsonov, Altai Institute of Labor and Law (branch) of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Department of Economics, Management and Tourism Industry; Altai Institute of Cost Technologies "BusinessMetrix", Association of SRO "National College of Appraisers"

кандидат экономических наук, директор Алтайского института труда и права (филиал) Академии труда и социальных отношений, доцент кафедры экономики, менеджмента и индустрии туризма; научный руководитель и оценщик Алтайского института стоимостных технологий «БизнесМетрикс», член Ассоциации СРО «Национальная коллегия специалистов-оценщиков», Россия, Барнаул


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