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The world does not stand still, and progress stimulates the development of science. The orderly introduction of mathematics into the economy is a necessity and a prerequisite for the effective reproduction of resources. Economic-mathematical modeling received its well-deserved beginning back in the «Age of Enlightenment» in the works of the French economist Francois Quesnay and has continued and is relevant to this day. In modern conditions, of particular interest is the assessment of the possibilities and limitations of theuse of economic and mathematical methods and models in managing an organization and its resources, making informed decisions on the functional areas of the organization's management, interpreting a large amount of information about the factors of the external and internal environment of the organization, their condition anddynamics, optimization of company business processes. The author reviewed and grouped economic-mathematical methods and models, identified areas of application of models and tools that allow updating the use of economic-mathematical models in management activities. The risks of adapting an economic-mathematical model to aspecific management situation and scaling the scope of application of the model from the operational to the strategic level of decision-making are highlighted.
Article Details
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