Factors of interfirm interaction: theoretical aspects JEL Р13 УДК 334.73.01

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Olga Nikolaevna Sokolova Email: son-555@mail.ru
Olga Alexandrovna Oskina Email: o_oskina94@mail.ru


The theoretical and methodological aspects of intercompany interaction are investigated, factors of interactionbetween organizations in a competitive environment are identified and systematized.The uncertainty of the external environment and the intensifying processes of globalization draw the attentionof the subjects of market relations to new ways to strengthen competitive positions in the market, to enhancefinancial independence and sustainable development through the development of partnerships. One of the formsof their organization is intercompany networks that increase the efficiency of implementing joint strategies andintroducing innovations. In this regard, the question of theoretical and methodological research remains in thefield of understanding the mechanism of intercompany interaction, and the factors determining its effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Sokolova O. N., Oskina O. A. Factors of interfirm interaction: theoretical aspects // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2019, № 10. P. 3-8. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/mmo/article/view/7039.
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