Innovative infrastructure of the South Siberian Macro-region in the context of interregional interaction: an analytical aspect JEL: R 10, R11, R13, R19 УДК: 332.142.4
Main Article Content
The uneven distribution of economic resources, the differentiation of the level of development of social andindustrial infrastructure, the implementation of inter-regional cooperation in the format of sales in the neighboringregion, the lack of unity and integrity of state policy in the field of socio-economic development, duplication ofinstitutional functions, insufficient influence of authorities on the formation interregional flows of goods andservices, lack of goals for interregional cooperation, ins ments of its stimulation and evaluation of the degree ofinfluence on the development of the territory as an independent entity, and an element of macro-region and thecountry in general, limits the possibility of inter-regional integration. An important role in this process is played bythe corresponding innovative infrastructure.The existing infrastructure of the Siberian Federal District does not ensure the interaction of its participatingentities, as well as the effective communication of government, business and the scientific environment. Thiscircumstance slows down innovation activity and becomes an obstacle to the uniform socio-economic development ofthe constituent entities of the Russian Federation, whose activities are ultimately characterized by the strengtheningof competitive positions for resources and the sales market, and the absence of large cross-sectoral and inter-regionalcooperation-oriented projects and achieving long-term shared goals.In this regard, the issue of developing elements of a model of interregional interaction based on an assessmentof the state of the innovation infrastructure of the territory and the possibility of its inclusion in the process ofinterregional integration becomes relevant.The article is devoted to the study of the current state and degree of development of the innovation infrastructureof the South Siberian macro-region from the perspective of the territorial presence and the functional contributionof each of its elements to the process of inter-regional integration. The author has identified the problems ofinterregional interaction on the scale of the existing infrastructure and proposed directions for their transformationwithin the framework of the model of interregional interaction.
Article Details
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