Improving the methodology for determining the cost of goods in assessing the value of property complexes JEL: C13; D46; G31. УДК: 330.133; 336.67
Main Article Content
Based on a generalization of practical experience in assessing the market value of property complexes in order toprovide a loan with a pledge, proposals are developed to improve the methodology for determining the cost of goods.This issue is of great theoretical and applied importance for the correct forecasting of cash flow parameters, andas a result, the calculation of the market and liquidation value of property complexes. The relevance of this topic isassociated with the features of the «property complex» category, the methodology and methodology for assessing it,since traditional (direct) methods for calculating the cost of goods when assessing the value of property complexeshave a number of serious drawbacks that not only make it difficult to find the required cost values, but also favorvarious kinds of manipulations and abuses on the part of the subjects of valuation activity in order to obtain valuevalues that are distorted but beneficial to one or another interested person.To overcome these shortcomings and limitations, the article proposes several economic and mathematicalalgorithms for the reasonable determination of the cost of goods, which, on the one hand, take into account theinstitutional and economic nature of property complexes as special business objects in the valuation, and on theother, make it possible to make the process of assessing property complexes in terms of determining the cost ofgoods less dependent on the subjective interests of the persons participating in these projects.
Article Details
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