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Ruslan Alexandrovich Samsonov Email:


In the article, based on the hypothesis of the relativity of cost measurements of the heterogeneous economic space of transactions in the context of using the business value model as the ratio of indicators of its utility and value, proposed in the framework of the synthetic theory of value, an estimated indicator of the ratio of the investment and market value of a business is developed. The proposed indicator is an investment multiplier of the value of a business (reflecting the value of a business as the ratio of its “value in use” and “value in exchange”), the use of which makes it possible to obtain special coefficients characterizing the directions, content and efficiency of investment strategies for managing the value of a business. The use of the investment multiplier of the business value ultimately focuses on the growth of its added value and, in general, on increasing the capitalization of the enterprise in the long run. The principles and methods of investment analysis and business valuation were used as a methodological basis for the study, and the problem of their balanced integration was systematically solved at the substantive level in order to methodically ensure the effectiveness and complexity of strategic businessvalue management.


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How to Cite
Samsonov R. A. BUSINESS VALUE AS A RATIO OF ITS INVESTMENT AND MARKET WORTH // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2020. Vol. 11, № 1. P. 51-57. URL:
Оценка бизнеса и консалтинг в управлении организацией
Author Biography

Ruslan Alexandrovich Samsonov, Altai Institute of Labor and Law, Altai State University, Altai Institute of Cost Technologies " Businessmetrics"

Cand. Econ. Sciences, Director of the Altai Institute of Labor and Law (branch) of the Academy of Labor and SocialRelations; Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Business Organization and Innovation, Altai StateUniversity; Director, Scientific Director and Appraiser of the Altai Institute of Value Technologies «BusinessMetrix»;


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