Main Article Content
In the modern world, dynamic effects are becoming the most important driver of efficiency and a strategicresource for the long-term development of socio-economic systems of different levels. In the article, on the basisof the concept of the dynamic costs of missed opportunities developed by the author and the hypothesis about therelativity of cost measurements of the heterogeneous economic space of transactions, the sources, mechanismsand forms of rent generation ahead of various genera and types are investigated. Key concepts and principlesare formulated, as well as economic and mathematical models are built, related to the dynamic costs of missedopportunities and the valuation of objects that generate advance rent in heterogeneous economic time and spaceof transactions. It is proposed to take into account and impute the dynamic costs of missed opportunities in thecost of transactions on the basis of comparing the potential and actually obtained dynamic effects, taking them intoaccount in a certain proportion with the advance rent. To assess the value of objects generating dynamic advancerent, it is recommended to use a modified method of discounting cash flows, which is due to the time limitationsof its extraction associated with the action of technological, market, institutional and other factors.
Article Details
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