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The issues of scientific and technological development and technological support of the reproductive process are more relevant for our country today than ever and are among the most important socio-economic and political problems. Science and technology form the basis of the activities of any society and state. The author tried to identify differences in the level of development of scientific, technical and innovative potential of the territories of Russia by the main quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The probabilistic relationship between the level of scientific provision of territories and such phenomena as the achieved social labor productivity, the standard of living of the population, the level of innovative development is indicated. Federal districts are significantly differentiated by the level of providing the institutional base for scientific and technological development. The analysis of the parameters of investments in scientific and technical development showed the presence of obvious territorial differences in investments in fixed assets, the sectoral structure of investments, internal costs for research and development, as well as the level of innovative development. The article is analytical in nature and may be of interest to both theoretical researchers and practitioners-subjects of scientific and technical policy
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