The journal "CURRENT CULTURE" is at the stage of official registration as a periodical; it was created by the order of FSBEI HE "Altai State University" from 12.04.2023 №602/p.

Each issue of the journal is sent to the Russian Book Chamber (branch of ITAR-TASS) for state registration and bibliographic registration, as well as to other leading libraries, educational and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation, CIS and foreign countries. Since 2023 the mandatory federal copy of the journal in electronic form is sent to the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (TASS) and the Russian State Library. Published materials are also stored in the journal's editorial board, which ensures permanent storage of published scientific articles and their accessibility.

Information about the journal is published annually in the international reference system for periodicals and continuing editions "Ulrich's Periodicals directory" in order to inform the world scientific community.

Scientific journal tends to publish on its pages not only original scientific articles in Russian and English, but also review articles of leading experts on the subject of the journal, professional reviews of new books and scientific researches, materials of scientific events, discussions and round tables devoted to the problems of the journal.

All of the journal's content is available to users free of charge. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, and find the full text of the journal articles without prior permission of the publisher and author.

The journal publishes scientific papers of different formats (types) of publications only in accordance with the publication profile. The thematic coverage corresponds to the approved nomenclature of scientific specialties:

5.7.7 Social and political philosophy (philosophical sciences)
5.9.9. Media communications and journalism (philosophical sciences)
5.10.1. Theory and history of culture, art (philosophical sciences) 

Articles are accepted throughout the year by sending the article to the e-mail address of the editorial office: "CURRENT CULTURE" is presented in the Scientific Electronic Library