Conceptualization of suffering in interdisciplinary research

  • Evgeny A. Popov Altai State University Email:


The theme of suffering is revealed in the framework of interdisciplinary research. Priority is given to the results of the study of this phenomenon by philosophers, sociologists (sociology of suffering), and cultural scientists. The interdisciplinary aspect allows us to look at the problems of suffering from the point of view of its limits and subjectivity. In turn, it is these characteristics that are aimed at identifying the features associated with the transformation of being, response to conflict, social and political tension in the world and specific loci. At the same time, the article focuses on comparing the achievements of sociologists and philosophers, and above all Michel Foucault in his concept of biopolitics. In addition, the analysis of the material was carried out using two key approaches – interiorization and socio-cultural. The first perspective opens up prospects for the study of suffering as a result of the accumulated socialand existential experience of the subject. The second approach allows us to reveal the value-normative content of human suffering. Ultimately, the main conclusion boils down to the need for a comprehensive analysis of suffering.


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Author Biography

Evgeny A. Popov, Altai State University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Conflictology


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Концептуализация страдания в междисциплинарных исследованиях
How to Cite
1. Popov E. A. Conceptualization of suffering in interdisciplinary research // CURRENT CULTURE, 2024. № 2. P. 1-19. URL: