Differences in Russian and American higher Education: sociocultural factors their conditions

  • Tamara F. Kryaklina Independent Researcher Email: asusocio@yandex.ru


The article analyzes the differences in Russian and American higher education due to such socio-cultural factors as traditional and liberal values. Russian traditional values, formed by a natural-historical in the way, influence the structure and humanitarian orientation of higher education, the institutions of which appear as centers of science, culture and development of individuals in accordance with the principles of society and its ideology. The influence of the values of society in it is present initially as a necessary and mandatory component of the development of the socio-cultural system, its viability.

Liberalism permeates all structures of American society, including the higher education system. Liberalism is a fundamental ideology for the formation and development of American society. As applied to the higher education system, liberalism means freedom of choice, both as a teacher and as a student; the recognition of truth is only that which gives a practically useful result; the desire to derive material benefits from everything. All these postulates frame the activities of the individual, his behavioral attitudes, regardless of the social ideals of society. Crisis phenomena in the higher education system, which are of a global nature, to date, can be resolved taking into account the originality of the national educational systems referred to in the article.


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Author Biography

Tamara F. Kryaklina, Independent Researcher

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Co. Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, independent researcher


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Различия в российском и американском высшем образовании: социокультурные факторы их обусловленности
How to Cite
1. Kryaklina T. F. Differences in Russian and American higher Education: sociocultural factors their conditions // CURRENT CULTURE, 2024. № 2. P. 1-17. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cc/article/view/15444.