Many plants have seeds. Fabaceae (Leguminósae) are sources of quinolizidine alkaloids, some representatives of which have found application in medicine.
A comparative study of the lipid composition of plant seeds Thermopsis schischkinii (1), Chamaecytisus ruthenicus (2)and Caragana frutex (3) representatives of the family. Fabaceae growing on the territory of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Bashkortostan and are widely used in folk medicine. Data on the lipid composition of the seeds of these plants in the literature are missing.
The aim of work for all seed samples were isolated neutral lipids (NL), polar lipids (PL) glycolipids (GL) and phospholipids (PL); the definition of their content, the establishment of the composition and content of fatty acids, determination of the presence of alkaloids in lipids.
Using various methods (TLS, CC, chemical reactions) isolated, determine the content and the identified the composition of the NL and PL. For 1, 2 and 3 (respectively in % by weight of the seeds), contained NL – 4,9, 8,9, 16,6 and PL – 1,7, 2,6, 3,3, including the GL – 0,2, 1,0, 0,8 and PhL – 1,5, 1,6, 2,5.
Using GLC analysis of the methyl esters of fatty acids (FA) of the set of all classes NL and PL determined their composition. Majeure were unsaturated fatty acids 18:1 and 18:2 (basic) and saturated – 16:0.
GLC-MS identified liposoluble components NL 1, 2, and 3 were found – stigmasterol elasterol, β-sitosterol, fucosterol, α-amyrin, β-amyrin, lanosterol acetate, lupeol, a high alcohol phytol. In 2 – pigments - koratinody and chlorophylls. Determine the composition of fatty acids NL and PL.
In PL (determined qualitatively), seed meal 1, 2, 3 (as % of initial seed weight, respectively: 1,4, 0,18, 1,9) and NL 2 (4,7% by weight of NL) detected alkaloids.
Thus according to our data on the comparative study of the lipid composition of the seeds of three plant species (Thermopsis schischkinii, Chamaecytisus ruthenicus and Caragana frutex) fam. Fabaceae, growing on the territory of Bashkortostan, we assume that a sufficiently close composition and content neutral, polar lipids, fatty acids, the most promising for future use are the seeds of Caragana frutex, which have much higher oil content and contain no alkaloids in oil, and this kind of plant is and very widespread in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
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