УДК 339.984:001.895

  • D. O. Tarasov Novosibirsk National Research State University (Novosibirsk, Russia) Email:
  • I. N. Dubina Novosibirsk National Research State University (Novosibirsk, Russia); Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: innovation potential, national economy, correlation-regression analysis, BRICS, USA


Currently, with the expansion of technological innovations, the economy of the Russian Federation is being transformed. For this reason, it becomes necessary to assess its innovation potential and compare it with the level of innovation potential of other countries. The economies of the BRICS countries were selected for the study, and the United States was also considered as an example of a developed innovation economy. To assess the innovation potential of these countries, groups of indicators were identified that determine the degree of innovation development. The study used data from the Science and Technology section of the World Bank site and applied the methods of correlation and regression analysis. The results of the analysis make it possible to identify and compare the key factors in the development of innovation potential in the countries under consideration.


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Author Biographies

D. O. Tarasov, Novosibirsk National Research State University (Novosibirsk, Russia)


I. N. Dubina, Novosibirsk National Research State University (Novosibirsk, Russia); Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

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Vechkinzova E., Petrenko Y., Bencic S., Ulybyshev D., Zhailauov Y. Evaluation of regional innovation systems performance using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. 2019. Vol. 7 (1). URL: (date of access: 06.08.2021).

De Prato G., Nepelski D. A framework for assessing innovation collaboration partners and its application to BRICs // International Journal of Technology Management. 2013. Vol. 62 (2/3/4). Pp. 102-127.

How to Cite
1. Tarasov D. O., Dubina I. N. INNOVATION POTENTIAL OF NATIONAL ECONOMIES: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS // Economics Profession Business, 2021. № 3. P. 116-124. URL: