Resource potential and perspectives of production of organic products in the regions of Russia JEL: O13, Q24; Q57. УДК: 331.2.

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Olga Yuryevna Voronkova Email:


The article substantiates the ecological and economic potential of organic production in the regions of Russia andjustified the prospects of this area of production, assesses the resource potential of the Russian regions in the directionof organic agriculture, the rationale for the effectiveness of the new for the Russian agricultural economy activities.Ecological problems of agriculture are revealed, mechanisms of their decision are proved. On the basis ofecological and economic evaluation of the selected most promising agricultural regions as potential producers oforganic products.


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How to Cite
Voronkova O. Y. Resource potential and perspectives of production of organic products in the regions of Russia // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2019, № 10. URL:
Управление организацией в инновационной экономике


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