Structure of the russian electric car market: regional aspect and prospects for development JEL: O18, Q21; Q41 УДК: 330.1

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Tatyana Alekseevna Akimochkina Email:
Alexey Evgenievich Davydov Email:
Kirill Alexandrovich Kushnaryov Email:


The article analyzes the features of the development of the Russian electric vehicle market in the context of thetrend of greening economic activity. The authors highlighted the structure of the electric vehicle market, whichincludes three tiers.On the basis of the selected structure, the parameters of the electric vehicle market, determining the level ofits development and saturation, are investigated. The analysis focuses on the regional aspect of the structuralconcentration of electric vehicles, which makes it possible to formulate the development prospects of both themarket of the regions of the Russian Federation and to extrapolate the development model to Russia as a whole.The work may be useful to practical economists, researchers in various fields of economics, sociology, and a widecircle of readers


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How to Cite
Akimochkina T. A., Davydov A. E., Kushnaryov K. A. Structure of the russian electric car market: regional aspect and prospects for development // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2019, № 10. P. 49-55. URL:
Технологические и отраслевые аспекты управления организацией


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