Prospects for the development of the Maria-Ra trading network outside the Siberian Federal District JEL: L81 УДК: 339.378

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Elena Nikolaevna Sabyna Email:
Andrey Andreevich Shalygin Email:


The article analyzes the growth prospects of the Maria-Ra network outside the Siberian Federal District anddevelops recommendations for entering the markets of the Urals and the European part of Russia. The results ofthe study showed that the Maria-Ra retail chain is the leader in FMCG retail in most of the regions of the SiberianFederal District, however, the absence of a distribution center network, high competition from federal networksand the absence of an advanced loyalty system are limiting Factor of expansion of the company beyond the SiberianFederal District.The economic potential of the organization, the availability of a sufficient amount of all necessary types ofresources and the ability to reach higher positions in the wholesale and retail markets with a well-designed strategicplan for expansion beyond the Siberian region, the Urals and the European part of Russia will allow not onlyoccupy a higher position in the retail market, compete with federal networks in the western regions, acquirefederal status, promote the development of the retail market, limiting monopolistic sentiments major players, butalso take an active part in the socio-economic development of regional markets, acting as an active driving forcefor the production sectors. Conclusions and recommendations are confirmed by the results of the analysis of thedynamics and structure of the wholesale and retail trade market, competitive and marketing analysis of Maria-Rain comparison with federal retail chains.


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How to Cite
Sabyna E. N., Shalygin A. A. Prospects for the development of the Maria-Ra trading network outside the Siberian Federal District // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2019, № 10. URL:
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