Risks and threats as components of economic security of the enterprise JEL: R10, R11, R13, R19 УДК: 332.142.4

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Tatyana Alekseevna Rudakova Email: rta_62@mail.ru
Julia Vladimirovna Cherkasova Email: ulcha14@mail.ru


One of the most important tasks for a modern enterprise is the task of identifying, identifying and stoppingpotential threats, which implies a set of actions from setting goals, tasks, monitoring the structural elements ofeconomic security to developing variable tools for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise and adjustingbusiness development strategies. The article discusses the theoretical foundations of potential threats to theeconomic security of an enterprise, methods of analysis, main goals, objectives, information support, content andmethodological approaches to evaluation.


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How to Cite
Rudakova T. A., Cherkasova J. V. Risks and threats as components of economic security of the enterprise // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2019, № 10. P. 51-60. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/mmo/article/view/7049.
Методы и инструменты стратегического управления организацией


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