Development of the innovative project efficiency index JEL: G17, O22; O31. УДК: 338.2.

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Nikolay Maximovich Abramov Email:
Maxim Evgenievich Oshchepkov Email:
Maksim Gennadevich Krajushkin Email:


The authors have proposed an approach to developing an index of effectiveness of an innovation project, thecalculation of which allows a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of an innovation project, choosingthe most optimal version of the project based on the significance of indicators that determine the correspondingtypes of effects from its implementation, and the significance of the types of effects themselves, the set of which isdetermined by the type of innovative project. The article calculates the efficiency index of an innovative project byfinancial effect based on an additive convolution of indicators included in the index.


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How to Cite
Abramov N. M., Oshchepkov M. E., Krajushkin M. G. Development of the innovative project efficiency index // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2019, № 10. URL:
Оценка бизнеса и консалтинг в управлении организацией


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