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Valentina Nikolaevna Strizhkina Email: strizhkina_iv@mail.ru
Irina Viktorovna Strizhkina Email: strizhkina_iv@mail.ru
Larisa Anatolievna Kapustyan Email: s.kapustyan@mail.ru


In medium-term planning, the budget review and adoption process plays an important role. In this articlethe authors consider the process of budget planning in the region, on the example of Altai region. The legal acts,which are the basis for budget planning in the region, are studied. The role and main stages of budget planning inthe region are studied. The authors consider three main stages of budget planning in the region. The first stage isthe determination of the size of public expenditures in general, the second stage is the distribution of aggregateresources between different objectives and areas of activity, and the third stage is the formation of a mechanismfor the effective use of budgetary resources. The authors consider the main directions of formation of profitableand expenditure parts of the regional budget, as well as possible threats in the process of budget execution. Themain characteristics of the Altai region planned budget for 2020–2022 are analyzed. One of the main problems,which the authors point out, is that it is very difficult to ensure full coincidence of the actual result with the adoptedbudget. The need to achieve the national development goals defined in the strategic planning documents remainsrelevant for the development and implementation of measures for effective use of budget funds.


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How to Cite
Strizhkina V. N., Strizhkina I. V., Kapustyan L. A. BUDGET PLANNING IN THE REGION // Управление современной организацией: опыт, проблемы и перспективы, 2020. Vol. 12, № 2. P. 11-17. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/mmo/article/view/9113.
Управление организацией в пространственной экономике
Author Biographies

Valentina Nikolaevna Strizhkina, Altai State University

Cand. Econ. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Regional Economics and Management, Altai StateUniversity, Russia, Barnaul

Irina Viktorovna Strizhkina, Altai State University

Cand. Econ. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Regional Economics and Management, Altai StateUniversity, Russia, Barnaul

Larisa Anatolievna Kapustyan, Altai State University

Cand. Econ. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Regional Economics and Management, Altai StateUniversity, Russia, Barnaul,


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