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Александр Витальевич Красов Email: aleksander-krasov@yandex.ru


This article shows the role and influence of the socio-political activities of Pope John Paul II on the socio-political processes in Poland, which led to the fall of the socialist system in Europe. The article provides answers to the following questions: How did John Paul II, based on his personal political beliefs, use the influence of the religious factor of the head of the Roman Catholic Church on socio-political processes in Poland? What was his role in changing the constitutional order in the Polish People's Republic? How did the change of the socio-political system in Poland affect the collapse of the socialist camp in Europe? Was there a relationship between the socio-political activities of John Paul II and the processes of "perestroika" in the Soviet Union? The answers to these questions will make it possible to understand the origins of socio-political changes in Eastern European states, primarily in Poland, and the USSR in the late 1970s and early 1990s.


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Как цитировать
Красов, А. В. (2024). ОБЩЕСТВЕННО-ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ИОАННА ПАВЛА II И РАЗВАЛ СИСТЕМЫ СОЦИАЛИЗМА В ЕВРОПЕ. Society and Security Insights, 7(1), 137-150. https://doi.org/10.14258/SSI(2024)1-09
Биография автора

Александр Витальевич Красов, Барнаульская духовная семинария

Александр Витальевич Красов – референт ректора ДОО ВО «Барнаульская духовная семинария Барнаульской Епархии Русской Православной Церкви», Барнаул, Россия.


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