The Directory of Open Access Journals – is a leading database of open access journals, including more than 9300 journals from 128 countries of the world. It is a "white" base of OA-journals which is distinguished from others by rigorous selection criteria and close examination of the submitted data.

DOAJ’s mission is to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, open access scholarly research journals globally, regardless of discipline, geography or language. DOAJ covers almost all new periodicals in open access and apply measures, ensuring high quality of content. The strict selection procedures is  provided by a team of experts and editors and acknowledged by authoritative scientific databases such as Scopus and Web of Science.

The inclusion of the Society and Security Insights Journal into DOAJ means many things, especially it will be the new platform for the dissemination of the scientific content of the journal, increasing visibility and citations of articles of authors from the Flagship Altai State University and its partners. 

It is a great succes for this ASU journal and its editorial team, a new step in its promoting and developing. 

We must emphasize the importance of the role of  Dr. A.V.  Matsyura, who skilfully guided the work of preparation for the journal to be submitted for consideration by the DOAJ experts.

We recall that the Directory of Open Access Journals was launched in 2003 in the Lund University in Sweden with only 300 journals in open access. Today the database contains information about thousands of scholarly journals in all domains of science, technics, medecine, social and humanitarian sciences. Over 2.5 million articles keep their meta-data in this database and this number is continually growing.