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Victoria A. Shelginskaia Email:


The high importance of mass creative culture and the active digitalization of all spheres of life, combined with social restrictions during the pandemic, are caused changes in society's perception of cultural and social values. These affect the most psychologically flexible social group, the youth, who are equally open to any innovation and dependent on the socio-psychological and cultural environment. The article raises the problem of formation of an artist-person in the period of digitalization from the point of view of the development of creative potential. Based on a systematic approach and the results of participant observation of the behavior and development of creative users of social networks, the socio-psychological features of the activities of Internet authorities as intermediaries between a person and the cultural environment, as well as the influence of trends in modern online platforms on the creative potential of an individual, were analyzed. A multi-level model of the creative development of a person in the network was presented, taking into account the risks and negative impact from the Internet society. The model includes the stages: passive observation, repetition of the mass pattern, creative activity, separation the art from creativity, and the art level itself. The most dangerous are the passive-affective and detached-creative levels, at which the influence of society on the developing creative personality is strongest and most unpredictable. The results are interesting for specialists in the field of cultural studies, sociology, social psychology, and pedagogical theory and practice in the context of the digital transformation of education.


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Author Biography

Victoria A. Shelginskaia, Ural Institute of Management - a branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

postgraduate student of the Department of Personnel Management and Sociology, Ural Institute of Management – a branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Yekaterinburg, Russia.


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