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Oksana Yu. Kaplun Email:
Shao Yupei Email:


The article deals with the tradition of classical Chinese text «The Book of Changes». The relevance of the work lies in the fact that the value of "Zhou Yi" has been thoroughly studied by Chinese scientists, but for readers who do not speak Chinese, many aspects of the unique classic book are little known. It is shown that the text of «Zhou Yi» is much more meaningful than combinations of hectograms. The authors of the article point out that "Zhou Yi" was used to discuss many cultural and legal issues. The "Book of Changes" contains entries about the problems of ordering property issues. Such discussion contributed not only to the settlement of property management issues, but also consolidated the ancient tradition of following the morality and virtue. The article presents that the sphere of marriage and the family relations, based on the engagement ceremony, formed the basis of the entire future marriage system of China for many generations. The authors show that a separate chapter "Zhou Yi" is devoted to the rules of inheritance. In this section of the "Book of Changes" inheritance in the male line becomes the fundamental principle in China. This article emphasizes that much attention in the "Book of Changes" is paid to the forms, types and methods of execution and punishment, as well as the system of evidence. The article provides an analysis of the social, cultural and legal ideas of «Zhou Yi», which determined the specifics of the Chinese legal system.


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How to Cite
Kaplun, O. Y., & Yupei, S. (2023). THE «ZHOU YI» («BOOK OF CHANGES») IN THE SOCIAL AND CULTURAR CONTEX . Society and Security Insights, 6(1), 125-134.
Author Biographies

Oksana Yu. Kaplun, Far Eastern Federal University,

Oksana Kaplun – Cans. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology and Education of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.

Shao Yupei, Far Eastern Federal University

Shao Yupei – Ph.D student of the Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.


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