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Dina K. Tanatova Email:
Natalia N. Semochkina Email:
Taisiya V. Leontieva Email:


Creating conditions for recreation and health improvement for children in Russia is a priority area of social policy. Special attention is paid to creating conditions for recreation for certain categories of children in difficult life situations and providing them with preferential vouchers. The article analyses the assessments of parents of children of privileged categories who have spent their holidays in children's recreation and health improvement institutions over the past two years. The results of a nationwide survey conducted by the Russian State Social University in 2023 were used for the analysis. Parents who indicated that their family belonged to the preferential category took part in the survey (N = 973). Based on the survey data, the authors distinguish groups of problems related to awareness of the opportunities to receive preferential vouchers, preparation for recreation, its organization, and the quality of services. The identified problems indicate the need to develop national projects for recreation and health improvement for children in privileged categories and take additional measures to improve the quality of recreation and implement state guarantees for this category of children. On the basis of parents' opinions, the authors have compiled a modal portrait of families of privileged categories that are most dissatisfied with their children's recreation. The results obtained can be used to improve measures related to the implementation of state policy in the field of children's recreation.


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How to Cite
Tanatova, D. K., Semochkina, N. N., & Leontieva, T. V. (2024). PARENTS’ ASSESSMENTS OF THE ORGANIZATION AND QUALITY OF RECREATION OF CHILDREN OF VULNERABLE CATEGORIES . Society and Security Insights, 7(1), 52-65.
Author Biographies

Dina K. Tanatova, Russian State Social University

Dina K. Tanatova – Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology, Ethnography and Sociometry, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

Natalia N. Semochkina, Russian State Social University

Natalia N. Semochkina – Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Docent of the Department of Sociology, Ethnography and Sociometry, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

Taisiya V. Leontieva, Russian State Social University

Taisiya V. Leontieva – Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Expert of the Laboratory of Sociological Analysis, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.


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