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Б. Р. Сембекова Email: b.sembekova@yandex.ru


The fight against terrorism is one of the urgent problems at the present stage, the nature of which is determined by objective-subjective factors, reflecting the socio-legal, socio-economic nature. The socio-economic nature of terrorism requires a systematic approach to the study of cause-effect relationships that determine the nature of interpersonal, intrapersonal factors that have a direct impact on a specific real situation. The establishment of cause-effect relationships of a specific crime event is determined by the study of natural processes of interaction, reflection and manifestation of subject-subject, subject-object relations, determined by factors of social, economic, psychological nature. In this regard, in order to effectively counter terrorism, it is necessary to study the causal relations of the formation and development of criminal activities of a terrorist orientation, the implementation of which is conditioned by the improvement of criminological policy. Improving criminological policy in the light of crime prevention, the development of effective methods and ways of organizing countermeasures contributes to solving the problems of disclosing, investigating and preventing crimes of a terrorist nature on the basis of identifying, defining typical manifestations, and natural processes of reflecting objectively subjective factors. Criminological policy should be aimed at determining the dominant areas of crime prevention, including crimes of a terrorist nature. Preventive activities, the definition of preventive measures at the state level, the improvement of criminal policy in the field of combating crime, organized transnational, which includes crimes of a terrorist orientation, requires a systematic, science-based approach, the development of effective methods and techniques developed by the science of criminology, criminology to solve criminal legal, criminal procedure and criminal executive tasks. 


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How to Cite
Сембекова, Б. Р. (2019). TERRORISM — A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY: THE STRATEGY OF ANTI-CRIMINAL SECURITY OF THE PERSON. Society and Security Insights, 1(4), 37-47. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2018)4-02


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