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С. А. Сарыглар Email: Syldysma93@mail.ru
С. Г. Максимова Email: svet-maximova@yandex.ru
И. Н. Молодикова Email: molodikova@hotmail.com


The problem of migration is directly related to the climate and environmental situation in the regions. The choice of this or that place for immigration is caused not only by social and economic problems, but also by the ecological situation in the regions of exit and enter of migrants. The article presents a comparative analysis of scientific approaches to the understanding of the essence and content of the concepts “environmental security”, “migration” and «migration processes». The information base are the materials of the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia on population migration, results of researches by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM). The analysis of the results of monitoring reflecting the dynamics of changes in the assessments of the environmental situation in the country in recent years. In 2017, the number of migrants to Russia was over 589 033 people. Most of them came from CIS countries (Ukraine — 150 182 people, Kazakhstan — 71 680, Uzbekistan — 64 073, Tajikistan — 63 467). In six regions of Russia with different ethnic structure we realized sociological research (2018) among migrants (n = 334). The analysis of the migration situation in the regions is carried out and the regression model of the factors of security is constructed. On the basis of a sociological research conducted the Altai State University in 2018 (n = 600), the analysis of the ecological situation in the Russian regions is carried out and the factor structure of ecological risks is constructed.


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Сарыглар, С. А., Максимова, С. Г., & Молодикова, И. Н. (2019). ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY AND MIGRATION CHALLENGES: A SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION IN RUSSIAN REGIONS. Society and Security Insights, 1(4), 81-92. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2018)4-05


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