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Р. Х. Салахутдинова Email:


The article highlights the problem of the younger generation and public security. Being mostly under external impact in the process of upbringing and forming, the younger generation (including children, adolescents, youth) faces a lot of risks and threats in the modern society, which can have negative consequences. The existing social differentiation, the inequality among the younger generation, the lack of social elevator mechanisms, the deepening contradictions in the sphere of labor and employment, the unfavorable information and socialization environment in general — forms the younger generation, a large number of which representatives choose survival life strategy. Children and young people do not possess equal opportunities for self-realization, self-determination, self-identification in terms of dichotomy of young people on successful and unsuccessful, gifted and ordinary ones. Thus, socially vulnerable (or even unprotected) young generation, unlike gifted, talented children and young people, becomes potentially such a group where protest moods can be formed, as well as dissatisfaction because of injustice in relation to oneself. It is this category that becomes a risk group, potentially prone to deviant, delinquent behavior, realizing its dissatisfaction in practice. Thus, according to the researcher, paying special attention to socially vulnerable youth becomes a factor of state and national security.


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How to Cite
Салахутдинова, Р. Х. (2019). THE YOUNGER GENERATION IN THE CONTEXT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Society and Security Insights, 1(4), 104-114.


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