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Natalia V. Malkovets Email:


Article is devoted to the third function of the university (higher education institution) connected with interaction with society, including, local communities, the governments and business supplementing such functions as educational and scientific research. The author lifts such problems as misunderstanding of essence and importance of the third function among teachers and heads of educational institutions, lack of the created requirement and motivation for development of the interaction, the regulations obliging educational institution to be integrated into local community, and others. Meanwhile, realization of the third function opens new opportunities for scientific, research, pedagogical and educational activity of higher education institution. Scientific and practical work of the author allowed to formulate recommendations for further development of the third function of the university: creation of the center, studying of successful experience, holding design sessions, association of the most active higher education institutions for protection of the rights, etc.


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How to Cite
Malkovets , N. V. (2019). THE THIRD FUNCTION OF THE UNIVERSITY: THE NEED OR THE DUTY. Society and Security Insights, 2(3), 177-184.


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